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This a Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb (CFL)

Did you know that you could save up to $30 a year if you replaced just five ordinary light bulbs in your home with CFLs? CFLs cost a little more, but they last a lot longer than normal bulbs, use less energy, and save you money. What's not to like?

According to Natural Resources Canada: "CFLs use only one quarter of the energy of standard incandescent bulbs. A 15-watt CFL produces the same high-quality light as a typical 60-watt incandescent bulb and saves 45 watts for every hour you leave the light on.

"Replacing even one 60-watt incandescent bulb with a 15-watt CFL in each of Canada's 12 million households could save up to $73 million a year in energy costs. It would also reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by approximately 397 000 tonnes - the equivalent of taking more than 66 000 cars off the road each year. Imagine the impact we can make together!"

I've switched most of the lightbulbs in my house to CFLs, and my electricity bills have gone down significantly. If, like me, you're concerned about how much energy we use, and how much pollution we create on our planet, please think about switching to CFLs.

Even one bulb can make a difference! - Kenneth Oppel

Learn more about CFL's here


The compact fuorescent lightbulb

© copyright Kenneth Oppel & Firewing Productions